It’s time to reconnect to Nature.
It’s time to break free from disease.
It’s time to unleash real and everlasting health.
It’s time to understand and practice the basic principles of Holistic Nutrition.
It’s time to read….



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ISBN: 978-967-18187-0-1


Ruha Thevi, MCMA
Member of CMA (UK)
Certified Nutritionist (IRL)
Certified Raw Food Nutritionist (UK)
Certified Master Herbalist (UK)
Health and Nutrition Researcher

Enrico Falgiani
Business Owner
Whole-Food Plant-Based Diet Advocate


Health and Disease are nothing but the consequence of our actions – lifestyle and food habits. Every day, every hour, every minute we are making lifestyle and food choices. The goodness of our choices will determine whether we are moving towards health, or away from it.

The question is: are you aware of the goodness of your choices?

Simple, easy and fun read, NATURALLY DIETSTYLE is the ultimate all-in-one practical guide to Holistic Nutrition and Health.

This work summarizes and delivers over 30 years of Holistic Nutrition research and practice.

If you ever thought that Nutrition was a difficult subject and Health just a dream… let this book show you otherwise!

Nutrition is really accessible to everyone, and this little masterpiece is just the proof.

In this book, you will find all the keys of the DIETSTYLE, the natural method that has already allowed so many people to regain health and happiness – without any specific diets, sacrifices, nor particular effort.

Recommended to all Vegans and Vegetarians too.


  • Learn the simple and practical nutrition basics, for everyday use
  • Learn how to keep health at your fingertips, with the 5 PILLARS OF HEALTH
  • Master the ART OF EATING RIGHT, and forget about scary diets
  • Learn to choose the right food for your body, and forget about costly supplements
  • Learn how to be a healthy Vegetarian, or Vegan
  • Learn about the benefits of the Whole Plant-Based Food
  • Learn how to organize your kitchen, to eat healthy and save money on food
  • Learn simple forms of exercise, without stress, and without gyms
  • Learn about fasting and juicing, the smart way, to further boost your health
  • Learn the ancient methods to reconnect and align with nature, for real and everlasting health
  • Learn how to read food labels, to choose wisely even your processed food

You really want to say “goodbye” to disease, and “welcome back” to health?
It is not about complex diets. It is just about a simple….DIETSTYLE

Naturally DietStyle is a product owned and published by Omnia Star Enterprise, Malaysia (002561216-H). All rights reserved. Omnia Star Enterprise (with our brand “the Nutrivolution” and our book product “Naturally Dietstyle”) is an independent Company.  We do not associate ourselves with any Third Party brands nor products (food, supplements, medicines, else). We do not advertise for nor endorse any brands or products. Should any Company claim that Omnia Star Enterprise (or The Nutrivolution) have endorsed their product(s) or brand(s), please do report to us with all the details.